
buy HappyCross 16mg sell

Original price was: $87.00.Current price is: $60.00.

Cross-linked sodium hyaluronate

buy HappyCross 16mg sell  is a cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel (IPN-Like technology). Crosslinking:

Provides gel-like rheological behavior, in turn maximizing the mechanical properties of hyaluronic acid.
Increases the residence time of the gel in the joint cavity, preventing the biodegradation of free radicals and enzymes.

buy HappyCross 16mg sell Compared to the classic crosslinking technique, the IPN-Like technology, or interpenetrated crosslinked networks, consists in combining, by inserting one into the other, two monophasic networks of hyaluronic acid previously purified and crosslinked, which are mechanically independent. Interpenetration of reticulated networks:

Optimizes the density of chemical bonds while minimizing the use of crosslinking agent (BDDE) within the single phase gel, ensuring a longer lasting effect of the product.
Preserves partial independence of the interpenetrated networks and ensures that the gel is flexible and easy to inject into the joint.

buy HappyCross 16mg sell also contains a high concentration of mannitol (77 mg / syringe).

Long-lasting effect: Mannitol is an anti-oxidant which protects the hyaluronic acid chains from free radicals and limits their degradation by increasing their residence time in the joint cavity.

Stabilizer: as a thermal stabilizer, mannitol allows HappyCross 16mg / ml to guarantee the stability of its rheological properties throughout its storage

1 box of HAppyCross® contains a 2.2 ml syringe.

buy HappyCross 16mg sell is manufactured by Laboratoires Vivacy and distributed exclusively by the Laboratory of Applied Rheumatology.

A high concentration of hyaluronic acid and mannitol in a volume of only 2.2 ml, perfectly suited to medium-sized joints
Single-injection administration due to a unique and patented crosslinking process
Rapid and prolonged efficacy demonstrated by clinical studies
Excellent tolerance
Produced by bio-fermentation containing no animal substances
The injection of HAppyCross® must be carried out by an authorized doctor.
Avoid excessive stress on the joint within 48 hours after injection.
If pain persists for more than 3 days at the injection site, your doctor must be contacted again.
Read the instructions carefully before use.
buy HappyCross 16mg sell The frequency of administration is usually one injection, once or twice a year.
Are your joints sore and stiff? “BE HAPPY!”, Thanks to HAppyCross® (knee, hip, ankle), our 2nd generation viscosupplement developed and adapted to each joint and whose effectiveness has been scientifically demonstrated. Talk to your specialist doctor who will advise you (rheumatologist, orthopedic surgeon, functional rehabilitation doctor, sports doctor). Six months after a single injection of HairyCross® Knee, 100% of patients fulfilled the “PASS function” criterion and 83 % the “pain PASS” criterion.
It was the “PASS EGP” criterion which was best correlated with patient satisfaction (79% for the 2 criteria) while the decrease in WOMAC by more than 50% concerned 73% of patients, testifying to the fact that the decrease of pain of more than 50% is not the only criterion of satisfaction.


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